Goal setting by Ankesh Mishra

In case you want to achieve anything in life you have to have goals.
This book shares 5 Key chapters
1.Why Goal Setting Is So Important
If you dont set your goals you will never achieve them. In life to chive anything you have to have goals. In this way you will know where you stand in life
2.Setting Goals
SAy you have to write a novel. Your first goal should be looking for an idea. Then may be a plot and so on.So the first step is to write goals. Goals should be to the point. Don’t say that you want to build a business and be wealthy. Have goals daily, weekly and monthly. Make obstacles an opportunity to learn.
3.6 Types of Goals That Take You to Success.
Six types of goals are given like action goals, priority goals. Set a goal and don’t quit until you attain it.
4. Setting Smart Financial Goals
Before you begin to make any financial goals look at what options are there for the finances you have. Dont take things for granted.

5.Goals And Competition
6.11 Steps For Goal Setting
11 steps for goal setting are given. When you set goals you take charge of your life. Be an action taker. The subconscious is an excellent thing you will know that you are using.
Book 2
Conversation skills for Business and Life: How to talk to anyone by Leil Lowndes (92 little tricks for big success in a relationship)

85 % of one’s success in life is directly due to communication skills. We fail because we don’t know how to handle our relationship. This book tells us how to do that.
Here are some tips for business :
Sales parroting
If you are selling cars and hear someone say I am not sure this car is right for me. Repeat to him Not sure for you. They will say not right for my personality which is sporty. So now you know that you have to show the person a sporty car.
The above is just one point
Now let us talk about life in general :
First impressions are important. Here are a few tips.
Anything we say is fine when we enter a room but dont complain when you enter. Otherwise, they will think that you only complain and won’t stick around. Say what nice dress they are wearing.
When you are asked where you are from? Don’t just say Delhi or New york. They might ask you what is the latest mugging scene in New york. Or if you say Delhi they might ask you something related to politics. Learn some facts that people will find interesting from your home town.
Suppose you want to ask someone what their job is. Then dont say what do you do? Say how do you spend your day. It is more polite and everyone asks what do you do. It is common.
Also, you learn more if you ask things about the other person. That way they too will be happy and remember you.
When going to a party read the latest news that way people will be attracted to you.
When in a conversion think about how your professional life will benefit others. Say if you are a hairdresser. You might know of new styles of hair. Mention that to a lady saying that so and so hair style personality
The 3rd book is
How to overcome obstacles in life: The Obstacle is the way by Ryan Holiday

I am sure we all have faced obstacles in our life. Be it business or life how do we tackle this obstacle ? Many men have tackled this “What stands in the way becomes the way” This book is about all this and more.
There are three things that help us to overcome obstacles.
Perception, Action and the will.
It is how we see things around us that can be a source of weakness or strength. Whereas one person sees crisis, another person sees it as an opportunity.
When faced with any problem do this
We all are emotional. Try not to be emotional.
Try to see the good in any situation.
Do not look at what distributes others
Try to see how things can be controlled
I learned all this from the book.
Sometimes we know how to solve problems. But we fear that the action we take might be risky. We might be getting a chance to invest in shares. But then we think let me wait something else might come. And we end up doing nothing.
So the first step is to start somewhere. Take the example of Amelia Earhart. She wanted to be able to fly. An offer came up. someone was willing to fund the first female attendant on a flight. She said yes to this. 5 years later she was flying solo non stop flight from the Atlantic.
Had she not taken a chance she would not have become a pilot. It is those that attack life with the most initiative do succeed. With regard to your goals do something. I like the motto of Nike (shoes). Just do it.
In trying the wrong way you might discover a new way. This is how innovation works. Thomas Edison tested six thousand different filiations but he did finally make the bulb.
Once you have decided to attack an obstacle why stop? When people ask about your problem say you are working on it and you will get the solution soon. Take failure as an asset you will succeed. Failure leads to improvement.
Great entrepreneurs are never wedded to a position, never afraid to lose a little of investment, never out of the game for long.
Up to now, we were talking about perception and action. Now we will be talking about will.
What is the power that is inside you? You alone can influence it. If perception and action were the deception and action were the disciplines of the mind then a disciple of the heart and the soul. Will is the strength to endure.
In every situation, we can do the following
Prepare ourselves for more difficult times.
If you can’t change something learn to accept it.
Learn to love our fate and what happens to us.
Donot give in to other people’s views who try to change your inner self
Try to look at a greater cause.
Theoradare Roosevelt suffered from asthma. His father came to him and said “Theoradare you have the mind but have not got the body. I am going to give you the tools to make your body. I think you have the determination to go through it.Theoradare looked at his father and said “I will make my body “.So his father built a gym for him. What followed was what he called “ The strenuous life “.Are you prepared to do that?
If the answer is yes then prepare for the hard life. Nobody is born with a steel backbone. We have to make it.
In this book, there are so many examples of how people overcame obstacles. If we follow this we will have dealt with life.
The quotes have been taken from the book The Obstacle is the way by Ryan Holiday.
Book 4
These days fitness is very important but people don’t know how to keep a fitness habit.

Fitness habits : Breaking the barriers to fitness by Amaresh Ojha and Subhra Moitra
The authors researched many fitness centres and then wrote this book. The main problem is that people start a fitness regime by joining a gym and leaving it. This book tells how to continue that. The problem is first shown and then the solution is given.
If you agree it takes time to make a habit then this is the book for you. This book will teach you how to maintain a habit. There are eight secrets on how to maintain a fitness regime.
Secret no 1
First of all, you will have to know how is your present health. How strong are you? How much is your weight underweight or overweight?
Secret 2
Find your why
Do you want to be fit because everyone around you wants to stay fit ?Maybe that is the wrong reason. I feel if you do it for yourself.
Secret 3
Anything if done in a fun way can be done. Listening to music or going to the gym with your buddy might be helpful. More fun methods are given in the book.

Secret 4
Declutter your cue . Simply put cue is the trigger that initiates a behaviour and says that if we do certain things we will get a reward.
For example, if you eat your pre-workout meal and miss it due to reaching home late then decide if you want to eat the meal or go for a workout. I know all these things sound complained but Rome was not built in a day. Even your habits will take time to build.
Secret 5
In case you have a plan it is better. Keep on chaining your plan so as not to make it boring. Change is the key to everything.
Secret 6
Make an environment before doing any fitness.If you need to take a small towel to the gym do that. Make it a habit.
Secret 7
When you start anything go slow.Exericse on a less scale. Do not increase the speed of the treadmill. If you don’t go slow you might tire yourself out. If this happens you might not continue with exercise.
Secret 8
Evaluate your progress
Remember your school report card. That was done so that you knew where you stand on your studies. Same with fitness habits. See if you are happy with the habit and make changes.
Hope these books help you.
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