Pages :192
Price : Paperback :156
: Kindle :119.77
I am not into fitness . But I picked this book up because of a friend. I used to see her join the gym and then quit. She is a close friend . This happened too many times.So i thought let me read this book and help her.
This book was written after the authors had researched more then 100 fitness centres across India.The research involved engagement Enrollment patterns and things like that. With so much research behind them, how could they go wrong.
Why do people do fitness for a while and then leave it ?
- No passion
- No motivation
- Setting unrealistic goals
If your body makes you feel better would you not want to continue to do the fitness regime.
What I got from this book.
1.It takes time to adopt a habit .
2.Find out what helps you stay motivated.
3. How to maintain a habit.
If you agree to the above then this is the book for you.
There is an exercise in this book which will help you understand your relationship with fitness.
This is important, otherwise how will you know if you have any relationship with fitness.
There are eight secrets in the book that will help you form fitness habits.
Secret no 1
In order to build a exercise regime you have to know your present state of health. How healthy are you ? You might think you are healthy just because you go for a walk. Once you do realize that you are unhealthy you yourself will want to make fitness a habit. Again there is a small activity that will help you understand your fitness level .
Secret 2
Find your why
You will want to find out why you want to be fit. Is it because everyone around you is trying to be fit? You should want to be fit because you want it not because everyone is trying. Makes sense doesn’t it ?There is a small activity that will help you discover your why.
Secret 3
Go slow but go forward
In case you want to start on a fitness routine, go slow. In case you try to do a lot of exercise or train a lot you will find it boring. Also your body will get used to any fitness regime in a slow manner. Your body might tear itself out if you do too many things all at once with your body.
Consistency is important in forming any habit .So do exercise daily according to your regime.There is an exercise to maintain this consistency.
Secret 4
Anything will be interesting when you add an element of fun in it. Try not to make fitness a struggle . Try music while exercising .For example Zumba uses music. The tempo of people doing Zumba is high when doing it with music. Try doing something in a group but remember to go at your own pace.
Try doing various exercises and change it daily . That way it does not become dull and boring.It will be just a sweat secession but something you will look forward to when you wake up.
Secret 5
Planning before performance
If you plan anything it is likely that you will finish it. With a plan in place you will perform the routine. So plan but keep chaining the plan so as not to make it boring.Plan would include keeping water and the like.Do you have a plan ?
Secret 6
Declutter your Cue
Wondering what is cue ?
Simply put cue is the trigger that initiates a behaviour and says that if we do certain things we will get a reward.
For example if you eat your pre workout meal and miss on it due to reaching home late then decide if you want to eat the meal or go for a workout. I know all these things sound complained but Rome was not built in a day . Even your habits will take time to build.
Secret 7
Prepare your environment
If You need to take a bottle to the gym, do it. If you need to take a small towel then do that. In this manner you are comfortable in your environment. This will help you form a habit.
Secret 8
Evaluate your progress
Whenever you start anything new you will have to see how well you are doing.
If you are not doing well you will want to have a strategy .
The best part about this book is that he has given small activities which I feel that will benefit people.