Richard Denny was from the United Kingdom. He was sought after for motivational speaking. A foundation is open where training is given in this field. You can call him a millionaire maker. Your business I believe will grow if you follow his advice. In his own words and I quote
“Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow – onwards and upwards”
Among other things, you will learn
Close a sale
Find a new customer
Beat the competition
Build a positive attitude
After Reading his book I feel we all can sell . What is the difference between a salesperson that can sell and one that cannot sell. It is the attitude. The right attitude is that you will win.
I think our attitude is influenced by our childhood and the company we keep. This is what I have learned from this book. The thing to do in order to sell is to improve yourself.
How to use this book
You will find many useful things in this book. It is not possible to remember all of them. In school or college, we used to use highlighter pens. You can still use that for marking ideas that you like.
Keep on rereading the chapters that you like.
There are more sales cassettes that you can listen to in your car.

Desire to do something;
It is all about how badly you want to do something .like I wanted to self-publish a book. So I did it. My desire was so strong that no matter what I faced I made sure I tackled it.
Many people leave school but later on in life, they see a career that they can do. But they don’t have the qualification for it. So they go back to their place of learning. Such is the desire to do something. How strong is your desire? Do you want to sell so badly that you will do anything to sell the product?
If you want to sell this has to be done. If you are busy during the weekday you can do this during the weekend. Plan your goal and give it your best say 3 months. Don’t make the goal very high or too difficult to achieve.If you set up a goal too high make sure to break it up. Don’t just have deadlines but write it in front of your bed so that you see it the first thing in the morning. So say how many units you want to sell.
It is important to plan. Say you are selling shoes. Plan in which part of India you want to sell first . Say you want to sell in Delhi rather than Agra and so on. Also look at what companies sell the most in each city and plan to go there. For example, rainy shoes are needed so go before the rains to sell .
Believe in yourself and you can do wonders.
Remove the word impossible from your dictionary. For others to believe in you, you have to believe in yourself. Chapter 3 is the most important chapter in the book. Read this once in three months so as not to forget. But more importantly, practice what you have read. After all, practice makes perfect.
Donot fear change
Change does not mean it will be for the worst. Don’t do things how they have always been done.If you have a plan to sell that has not been tried before do try it. You never know it might be a success.
Build your confidence
In order to sell you have to build your confidence . Here are some pointers on what to do.
Try not to make excuses. if you do not succeed at something. Do not say I am old or things like that. Say I can still do it despite failure.
How do you see yourself? Look at yourself in the mirror. Do you see a successful person? If you do so will others. Feel proud of yourself.
Improve your appearance. This is true of women. Women feel better if they go to a hairdresser before a party . If you feel this will boost your confidence then do it. For men get a dinner jacket if going out. I am sure you will know of so many such examples.
Are you an enthusiastic person?If you are excited about something you will end up doing that thing better.. Were you not better at Maths in school because you were excited about Maths?
Linked to all this is being negative.
As a professional, you must take care of attitude. Negativity is a curse in anything. People might say negative things about you . Listen from one ear and remove it from the other. There are three negative things that you have to take care of criticizing, condemning, and complaining. Make sure you don’t fall into the trap of these .
Many people thrive on other peoples’ misery. So don’t listen to them.
Also look at what kind of company you have. Are your results a drawback because of them?
The chapter called The Principles of professionalism is excellent. Even if you think you are professional this chapter will tell you you are not.
A few basic guidelines to make written communication better are given in the chapter on letter writing. Things like Avoid jargon Make your letters easy to read and many more tips are given.
What should your body language be? What kind of chairs do you have for your visitors? If a client comes to your office these things are important.
The last chapter is the most important. Donot quit, it is called. Everybody in marketing has its ups and downs. Look at your downside and try to improve.
In the end, I would like to end by these words by saying something that Henry Ford had Said in 1922:
“Selling is a profession and must have recognized professional ethics. professional spirit seeks professional integrity from pride, not compulsion. The professional spirit detects its own violations and penaltises them.
The quote of Henry Ford and other quotes are being taken from the book selling to win
By Richard Denny. His other books are :
Speak for yourself
Succeed for yourself
Motivate to win.