The sign reads
Opens at nightfall
Closes at dawn
What could this be ? A shop . No. It is a night circus.
The circus has black and white striped canvas tent. It is called Le Cirque des RĂªves,
The book is about illusion. At the same time it is a magical fantasy. The scene opens with a girl being left at the circus. Her name is Celia. She is being trained in Magic. It is narrative in nature.
Plot is straight forward. There are two magicians Both the magicians fall in love with each other .But.they are meant to be competing against one another,The young magicians are called Celia and Marco.
Many people used to join the circus which was a refuge for people with unique abilities. The setting is London.
Hector trains his daughter Celia. The man in the gray suit chooses an orphan. He is called Marco Alisdar. The duel is between the two magicians. Celia is a kind hearted soul .After Hector dies she gets an envelope”Your Move”. Hmm . Wonder what that is .
There are other characters also .Frederick Thiessen is sen as the maker of clocks. Later on he becomes entwined with the circus.Isobel Martin is another character who is a fortune teller for the circus.
Meanwhile theatrical impresario Chandresh Christophe Lefevre has a new idea.she thinks a traveling circus which will tour around the world, is better off than a stationary circus. There are acrobats ,a contortionist who can fold herself into a small glass box, and Celia, an illusionist . Animals are also involved.
Writing is gorgeous. It is written in second person. The book is unique. The description of the tents are worth a mention. The imagination is good. When I read this novel it is like a dream. There is romance which will swipe you off your feet. .In the bookt the years keep on shifting from back and forth.. The book will cast a spell over you. The book is narrative in nature.
The kindle edition is 269 rs.
Erin Morgenstern has written two fantasy novels. The other is the starless sea, was published in 2019.won the annualLocal award for best novel. She is a 2012 recipient of an Alex Award. Her second book,The Starless Sea , was published in 2019.
If you are looking for fantasy this is the book.