85 % of one’s success in life is directly due to communication skills. We fail because we don’t know how to handle our relationship. This book tells us how to do that.
Did you ever wonder how people always throw good parties or how people always talk about someone’s party. Well it is because people have worked hard at what they do. It has taken them years to get here
Here are some tips for business :
Sales parroting
If you are selling cars and hear someone say I am not sure this car is right for me. Repeat to him Not sure for you. They will say not right for my personality which is sporty. So now you know that you have to show the person a sporty car.
The above is just one point
Another point in sales is this. Try to copy not only your customer class but the class of your product as well. Are you selling handmade suits Put a little decorum?If selling sweatsuits try to wear something a little sporty. Customer is buying your experience and hence you are part of the product they are buying.
When in sales use their words, not yours. In case you are selling a car to a young mother and she is worried because she has a baby. Instead of saying child protection lock say No baby can open the window because of the driver’s control lock.

Now let us talk about life in general :
First impressions are important. Here are a few tips.
Anything we say is fine when we enter a room but dont complain when you enter. Otherwise, they will think that you only complain and won’t stick around. Say what at a nice dress they are wearing. May be
Whatzit technique :
Say wear a pair of old fashioned glasses around your neck. People will come to you asking why you are wearing that? You can say that it reminds you of your grandfather. In this way, the conversation can get started. You can choose any other thing to attract others to you.
Whatzat technique :
When you are at a party ask the party-giver to make introductions. Or ask the party-giver about some facts of other. Anything to become an ice breaker.

Eavesdrop technique :
This does not mean to wiretap or the like. Just stand near a group of people. Wait for a word that you can use to break into the group. Say something like I could not help but hear you all. They might be taken back but only for a moment and get over it fast.
When you are asked where you are from? Don’t just say Delhi or New york. They might ask you what is the latest mugging scene in New york. Or if you say Delhi they might ask you something related to politics. Learn some facts that people will find interesting from your home town.
Suppose you want to ask someone what their job is. Then dont say what do you do? Say how do you spend your day. It is more polite and everyone asks what do you do. It is common.
Also, you learn more if you ask things about the other person. That way they too will be happy and remember you.
When going to a party read the latest news that way people will be attracted to you.
When in a conversion think about how your professional life will benefit others. Say if you are a hairdresser. You might know of new styles of hair. Mention that to a lady saying that so and so hair style personality
Lookup a few words in a thesaurus saying how much you have enjoyed a party. Everyone says the food was so tasty. That way you will be verbally elite if you look up a few words.
Many times you have to know which words to use .Dont say do you work at a drugstore ? Say are you a Pharmacist. Dont say day care worker say child care worker. If you see someone in a wheelchair dont say a handicap person. Say a person with a disability. This will show that you respect people and make people feel close to you.
When you are going to another of which you donot know anything but a book about that country . This way you will know about the taboo of that country.
There are 92 techniques in this book. All cannot be discussed. But if you go through the book, one technique by technique you will learn a lot.
You will have to practise what tricks you have learnt . If you practise daily it will become a habit .
Your habit create your character
Your character is your density
May success be your destiny
The above words were taken from the book How to talk to anyone by Leil Lowndes
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